READ ME BEFORE POSTING! / Legal / How to Post

Post firearms to BARTER or TRADE here...
Forum rules
It is every member's responsibility to know and follow all local, State & Federal laws regarding the sale or transfer of firearms/parts/ their respective jurisdictions. No illegal activity will be allowed here on SGT. This is a zero tolerance rule and will be strictly enforced. Violators will be banned permanently. Proceed solely at your own risk.
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READ ME BEFORE POSTING! / Legal / How to Post

Post by SGTAnnounce » Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:48 pm

Legal Disclaimer:

Any firearms for sale on this site are private classifieds ads from unverified members. It is the responsibility of the buyer and the seller to abide by all local and national laws of firearm sales. It is also the responsibility of the buyer and seller to verify the validity and verify the transaction of any such sale. Proceed solely at your own risk.

Read and know your laws:

i594 (Firearm sales or transfers—Background checks—Requirements—Exceptions.):
NRA Federal and State Firearms Laws - WA: ... ashington/
NRA Federal and State Firearms Laws - ID:
  • You MUST be at least 21 to post a pistol for sale / trade. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • You MUST be at least 18 to post a rifle / shotgun for sale / trade. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Any suspicious/illegal activity will result in immediate banning without warning.
Dealers / Local Businesses / FFLs / Re-Sellers:

Dealers / Local Businesses / FFLs / Re-Sellers - It is required that you donate $10 / AD in order to post in the SGT classifieds. This includes individuals re-selling bulk items. If you are a SGT Local Sponsor, you may post (up to 15 individual posts / day), at will. Posting is free for individuals selling single items. Please contact JeremyD with questions.

SGT Sponsors:

You may post in the standard classified sections no more than 15 individual posts / day. You may post in the "Local SGT Sponsors and Exclusive Deals" as much as you want. The same bump rules below (Every other day) apply as well.


1. Pick the appropriate section to post. They are pretty self explanatory. If an item is posted in the wrong section, it will be moved for you. You can bump it and request a move also.
2. Properly prefix your AD. Please prefix your ad with:

WTS: (Wanted To Sell)
WTT: (Wanted To Trade)
WTB: (Wanted To Buy)

3. You must post an asking price for your item if it is a WTS. If it is a trade, list it in the Barter section. Sales ads without price will be moved to the Barter Section.
4. Post a picture! If you want to sell it, a picture will help. If you need assistance, see this post: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=120233
5. I don't recommend posting your phone number or e-mail address, for anonymity. Let people PM you.
6. You may bump your own post every other day. Exceptions to this rule:
- 6a. Sold Items - Bumping to report an item sold.
- 6b. New Price - Bumping to announce a lower price.
- 6c. Package Change - Adding or removing items to the deal.
7. If in doubt or if you need a clarification, please e-mail JeremyD.

Buyers / Browsers:

You are not allowed to freely post comments on classified ADs. This is for the seller and the sanctity of their posting. Off topic chat or pricing questions (that are out of order) are viewed by most as insulting. Chat and firearm discussion are to be posted in the discussion sections. I'm tired of cleaning up classified ADs that go 2 pages long with unrelated discussion or sellers saying that they were heckled on their price. Posts in the classifieds section that do not meet the criteria above and below may be removed without warning.
1. If you have a serious direct question regarding the item.
2. If advice or info is requested by the seller and you can give them an answer.
3. To help the seller post pictures.
4. To say you've PM'd the seller.
5. If you've made a purchase and would like to provide feedback.
What I don't want to see:
1. "Sweet Gun"...etc. This are not constructive to the sale of the item.
2. "You can get this cheaper at xxxx" This one offends most people. If you have concerns on the price, PM the user.
3. "This thread is useless without PICs." We all like to see pics but, some people do not have cameras..etc. Again, these comments are generally considered unfriendly, especially to new users. If anything...PM the user, ask if they have pics and help them post them.
4. A "Bump" from anyone other than the original poster.
5. No replies If a topic states "PM Only". Do not reply to the topic. Only send the original poster a Private Message.

Basically, let's keep the classifieds clean. This section is devoted to sales, not discussion.
